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Instructor-led course

Provided by: Graduate School of Life Sciences

December 2010

March 2011

Register interest
Register your interest - if you would be interested in additional dates being scheduled.

Events available

RSVP: wRiting, Submitting, Viva, emPloyment (Lectures and seminars)


How to succeed in your PhD! A one day course which prepares final year PhD students for finishing the writing up, surviving the viva and moving on into postdoc or other employment. All research students in the Graduate School of Life Sciences are expected to attend this highly-recommended course at some point in their final year. The Michaelmas and Easter Term instances are in town and have a bias towards those studying in Biological Sciences; the Lent Term instance is on the Addenbrooke's site and has a bias towards those studying in Clinical Medicine.NB this course replaces both the 'Completing your PhD' and 'FUMO' courses.

Target audience
  • Final year PhD students

Preparing final year PhD students for:

  • finishing practical work
  • writing the dissertation
  • submitting on time
  • getting through (enjoying!) the viva
  • preparing for the next career stage

Presentations, Q&A and discussions


One full day session




Events available

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