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Tue 9 Mar - Wed 10 Mar 2010
14:15, ...

Venue: Phoenix Teaching Room

Provided by: University Computing Service


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R: Regression Analysis in R

Tue 9 Mar - Wed 10 Mar 2010


This course is for new users who have learnt how to get data into R already, and know how to operate basic syntax. Emphasis will be on examples of running applied analyses of regression models for continuous, binary and ordinal outcomes using standard R procedures. Half a dozen libraries will be introduced that enables importing of data and running of linear, binary, ordinal and nominal outcome regression models in R.

  • Working knowledge of R
  • Familiarity with simple statistical concepts

Number of sessions: 2

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Tue 9 Mar 2010   14:15 - 17:00 14:15 - 17:00 Phoenix Teaching Room Dr T.J. Croudace
2 Wed 10 Mar 2010   09:30 - 13:00 09:30 - 13:00 Phoenix Teaching Room Dr T.J. Croudace
Topics covered
  • Linear regression for continuous outcomes
  • Bootstrapping standard errors
  • Logistic regression
  • Logistic regression for clustered data
  • Ordinal regression for multi-category outcomes that can be ordered
  • Logit and probit models
  • Nominal regression (in brief) for unordered multicategory outcomes
  • Categorical covariates using xi:

Presentations, demonstrations and practicals.

System requirements

R v. 2.9.1 on PWF Windows


Two half day sessions


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