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Fri 29 Oct 2010
09:30 - 13:00

Venue: Titan Teaching Room 1

Provided by: University Computing Service


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Web Authoring: Beyond the Basics (Level 2)

Fri 29 Oct 2010


This follows on from the Introduction to HTML and is a practical-based course.


It is essential that those attending are familiar with the basics of using HTML as covered on the Level 1 Introduction.


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Fri 29 Oct 2010   09:30 - 13:00 09:30 - 13:00 Titan Teaching Room 1 Richard Stibbs
Topics covered
  • Revision of basic tags
  • Use of attributes in tags
  • Use of colour
  • Layout and typographical control using cascading style sheets
  • Graphics
  • Links to other web pages and to image, sound and movie files
  • Production and use of PDFs (Portable Document Format files)

Presentations, demonstrations and practicals.

System requirements

Internet Explorer and Firefox on PWF Windows


If you would like to take away a copy of the Web page you create, please bring a floppy disk or a USB memory stick (if you can logon to your PWF account, you will have an opportunity to set up your Web pages on that account).


One half day session

Web Publishing & Management

Booking / availability

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