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Wed 24 Feb 2010
10:00 - 11:00

Venue: Balfour Macintosh Room

Provided by: University Computing Service


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Web Skills for Researchers: Web of Knowledge

Wed 24 Feb 2010


ISI Web of Knowledge contains over 13,000 journals with over 40 million cited references added annually. It enables the researcher to identify the prolific authors for a topic, identify the institutions that have published most in a specific field and gain insight into key publication trends.

  • Basic computer skills including some web browsing are required.

Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Wed 24 Feb 2010   10:00 - 11:00 10:00 - 11:00 Balfour Macintosh Room Y. Nobis
Topics covered
  • How to effectively search Web of Knowledge
  • How to effectively use the Web of Knowledge analytic tools
  • How to export your results to bibliographic software
  • How to set up citation alerts


System requirements

Internet Explorer/Safari/Firefox on PWF Macintosh

  • Depending on the venue, either Macintoshes or PCs will be used for the practical exercises. However the techniques are applicable to all platforms, and help will be given where necessary.

One session of one hour

Web Browsing & Searching

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