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Tue 16 Mar 2010
14:15 - 17:00


Provided by: University Computing Service


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Mathematica: Symbolic Linear Algebra

Tue 16 Mar 2010


This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course will cover using Mathematica for symbolic calculations (i.e. ones operating on formulae and not just numbers), concentrating on linear algebra. It will show how to use this to get first and higher order approximations to some linear algebra problems. It will indicate how it can be used for other such work, but not attempt to teach the details. The emphasis will be more on teaching what can be done than on teaching rules for how to do specific tasks.

Attendees should note that this is one of the most advanced courses on scientific computation given in the University, by any department, and is not suitable for inexperienced programmers.

  • Prior attendance of the Mathematica: Linear Algebra course or equivalent experience. In particular, attendees will be expected to be reasonably familiar with using Mathematica and its basic matrix handling functions.
  • A basic understanding of linear algebra (especially matrix operations and the solution of simultaneous linear equations)
  • Those attending should be able to use a plain text editor (e.g. emacs, gedit, pico, vi) on a Unix system as might be obtained from the Emacs or Vi introductory courses.

Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainer
1 Tue 16 Mar 2010   14:15 - 17:00 14:15 - 17:00 Phoenix Teaching Room N.M. Maclaren
Topics covered
  • The use of Mathematica to operate on matrices of formulae, rather than one of numbers
  • Using Mathematica to obtain first- and second-order approximations to the solution of simultaneous linear equations
  • Use for more complicated tasks

Presentations, demonstrations and use of examples

System requirements

Mathematica v. 7 on PWF Linux

  • More information will be provided in Mathematica Numerics
  • No attempt is made to teach the basic use of Mathematica for numeric linear algebra
  • No attempt is made to teach mathematical techniques
  • Attendees may also be interested in the Mathematica: Graphics course

One half day session


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