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Showing courses 176-200 of 356
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Matlab: Basics Thu 22 Oct 2015   14:15   [More dates...] Finished

Matlab is a software package for numerical computation with high quality graphics facilities. This course is for beginners and new users of the package and describes basic concepts and use of Matlab, but not any other optional 'Toolboxes' available from the developers of MATLAB.

2 other events...

Date Availability
Thu 18 Oct 2012 14:15 Finished
Thu 17 Oct 2013 14:15 Finished
Matlab: Graphics Fri 27 Nov 2015   14:15   [More dates...] Finished

Matlab is a software package for numerical computation with high quality graphics facilities. This course follows on from an earlier course entitled "Matlab: Basics".

2 other events...

Date Availability
Fri 23 Nov 2012 14:15 Finished
Fri 22 Nov 2013 14:15 Finished
Matlab: Linear Algebra new Fri 4 Dec 2015   14:15   [More dates...] Finished

Description to coming soon

2 other events...

Date Availability
Fri 30 Nov 2012 14:15 Finished
Fri 29 Nov 2013 14:15 Finished
Matlab (Tutorial & documentation) Self-taught Not bookable

The Computing Service now offers an introductory course on Matlab. Various other resources are available as described below.

Meet the Speaker: Jo new Tue 6 Sep 2016   09:00 Finished

This will be a massive meet n' greet session with an emphasis on glad-handing. Whether the speaker turns up is questionable.

Meet the speaker: Simon new Thu 8 Dec 2016   09:00   [More dates...] Finished

This is a course which will introduce you to our speaker. You will have an opportunity to ask questions.

1 other event...

Date Availability
Thu 1 Dec 2016 09:00 Finished
Modern and Medieval Languages (Tour 1) Mon 10 Mar 2014   12:00   [More dates...] Finished

An introduction to the wide range of resources available at the MML Library and the UL, both in print and online.

12 other events...

Date Availability
Wed 13 Oct 2010 11:00 Finished
Wed 15 Dec 2010 11:00 Finished
Wed 22 Dec 2010 12:00 Finished
Thu 10 Feb 2011 12:00 POSTPONED
Thu 10 Mar 2011 12:00 Finished
Wed 12 Oct 2011 11:00 Finished
Wed 14 Dec 2011 11:00 Finished
Wed 21 Dec 2011 12:00 Finished
Thu 8 Mar 2012 12:00 Finished
Sun 13 Oct 2013 11:00 Finished
Sun 15 Dec 2013 11:00 Finished
Sun 22 Dec 2013 12:00 Finished
Module 10:Time Series Analysis Mon 21 Feb 2011   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills that are relevant across the social sciences.

The module introduces time series techniques relevant to forecasting in social science research and computer implementation of the methods.

Module 11: Multilevel Modelling Tue 15 Feb 2011   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

Module 12: Designing Surveys Tue 9 Nov 2010   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills that are relevant across the social sciences.

This module aims to provide students with an overview of survey methods, uses and limitations; to introduce students to the practicalities of design and use of surveys; to examine complexities of question and answer process; to examine practicalities of survey sampling and response.

Module 13: Introduction to database design and use Mon 17 Jan 2011   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

Module 14: Research Ethics Tue 25 Jan 2011   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

Module 16: Comparative Historical Methods Wed 13 Oct 2010   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

Module 17 Conversation and Discourse Analaysis Wed 10 Nov 2010   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

Module 18: Researching Organisations Wed 3 Nov 2010   10:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

Module 19: Selected Anthropological Methods Wed 19 Jan 2011   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills that are relevant across the social sciences.

This foundational course is for eligible graduate students who have no prior training in statistics.

It introduces students to the basic general concepts that underlie descriptive and inferential statistics. It is divided into 4 sessions:

  • Session 1: Variables and Measurement
  • Session 2: Describing a Variable
  • Session 3: Populations and Samples
  • Session 4: Statistical Models and Significance Tests

2 other events...

Date Availability
Mon 11 Oct 2010 16:00 Finished
Tue 12 Oct 2010 14:00 Finished
Module 20: Doing Qualitative Interviews Wed 16 Feb 2011   14:00 Finished

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research.

The module provides an overview of interviewing as a social research method - guidance on planning interviews, pre-interview and post-interview tasks, positionality and ethics. It also provides an introduction to module structure, based on a specific interview topic. It concentrates on the processes of organising information after interviews, including interpretation through coding and close reading. Case Studies will look at PhD research on perceptions of forest use in Madagascar; in particualar the process of gathering qualitative interviews - planning through transcription to analysis. Looking at issues of gaining access and introducing sensitive research to interviewees, creating a good interview environment; the ethics of researching controversial/illegal topics.

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills that are relevant across the social sciences.

This module is essential for the statistical methods modules.

This module is part of the Social Science Research Methods Course programme which is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills that are relevant across the social sciences.

This module is essential for the statistical methods modules, which follow.

2 other events...

Date Availability
Mon 8 Nov 2010 16:00 Finished
Tue 9 Nov 2010 14:00 Finished

This module introduces students to four of the most commonly used statistical tests in the social scinces: Correlations, Chi-square tests, T-tests, and one-way ANOVAs.

3 other events...

Date Availability
Mon 24 Jan 2011 14:00 Finished
Mon 24 Jan 2011 14:00 Finished
Mon 24 Jan 2011 16:00 Finished

Module introduces students to one of the most fundamental statistical techniques, namely regression analysis. Students learn about assumptions underlying regression models, how to run regression analysis using SPSS and how to access and solve possible problems with a regression model.

3 other events...

Date Availability
Mon 21 Feb 2011 14:00 Finished
Mon 21 Feb 2011 16:00 Finished
Mon 21 Feb 2011 16:00 Finished
Module 5: Further Regression Topics Tue 12 Oct 2010   16:00 Finished

This module is concerned with greater knowledge of regression, through extension of the simple linear model; enabling students to assess the models they use, testing for problems such as collinearity, outliers/leverage, and heteroskdasticity.

Module 6: Spatial Data Analysis Mon 11 Oct 2010   14:00 Finished

Introducing students to methods of data analysis that are relevant to spatial data. Discussing nature of Geographic Information Science (GISc), describing how space is conceptualised and represented in a GIS.

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