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Thu 6 May, Mon 10 May 2010
13:45 - 17:00

Venue: Balfour Macintosh Room

Provided by: University Computing Service


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LaTeX: An Introduction to Text Processing

Thu 6 May, Mon 10 May 2010


LaTeX is a powerful document description language built on top of TeX. It is available on Unix, Windows and Macintoshes. It can be used for the presentation of plain text (including accented characters and letters outside the English alphabet), the typesetting of mathematics, the generation of tables, and producing simple diagrams. It is particularly suited for the writing of theses, papers and technical documents.


No prior knowledge of TeX will be assumed but some familiarity with Unix will be useful for following the demonstrations.


Number of sessions: 2

# Date Time Venue Trainers
1 Thu 6 May 2010   13:45 - 17:00 13:45 - 17:00 Balfour Macintosh Room K.M. Jeary,  Rosemary Rodd
2 Mon 10 May 2010   13:45 - 17:00 13:45 - 17:00 Balfour Macintosh Room K.M. Jeary,  Rosemary Rodd,  P. Mazumdar
Topics covered
  • Introduction
  • Structure of a LaTeX document
  • Structure of LaTeX commands
  • Characters in LaTeX
  • Text - sectioning, titles, footnotes and marginal notes
  • Environments, poetry, lists and tabular data
  • Cross references and simple bibliographies
  • Floating blocks
  • Defining new commands and changing fonts
  • Simple diagrams in LaTeX
  • Mathematical aspects

Presentations, demonstrations and practicals


Two half day sessions


Booking / availability

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