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Self-taught course

Provided by: University Computing Service


This course is self taught (Materials may be loaned out).

Bookings cannot be made on this course (Course is not taking bookings).

Booking / availability

Excel 2002: 3 levels (work books + CDs)

System requirements

PC with Excel 2002 installed.


What is Excel? Excel File Types, Excel Environment, Toolbars, Office Assistant, Review Questions, Creating and Opening Workbooks, Working with Workbooks, Working with Worksheets, Working with Cells, Navigating within a Worksheet, Navigating the Workbook, Review Questions, Entering Data, Using Time Saving Features, Checking the Spelling, Review Questions, Selecting Items in Excel, Formatting Text, Formatting Numbers, Manipulating Data, Formatting Columns and Rows, Formatting with Colours and Patterns, Adding and Editing Borders, Using Autoformat, Review Questions, Cutting, Copying and Pasting, Inserting and Deleting, Using Find and Replace, Using Undo and Redo, Review Questions, Entering


Customizing View Options, Displaying and Customizing Toolbars, Hiding Workbooks and Worksheets, Freezing Panes, Grouping and Ungrouping Worksheets, Review Questions, Using Styles, Conditional Formatting, Using the Format Painter, Using Guidelines, Hiding and Displaying Cells, Review Questions, Using the Series Command, Using the Insert Function Wizard, Using the Excel Function Categories, Correcting Formulas, Using the Formula Error Checker, Using the Formula Auditing Toolbar, Using the Watch Window, Review Questions, Using Databases, Creating and Editing a Database, Sorting a Database, Using AutoFilters, Advanced Filters, Working with Filtered Data, Using Data Forms, Review Questions, Chart Wizard, Chart Toolbar, Working with Charts, Formatting the Chart, Review Questions, Drawing Toolbar, Working with AutoShapes, Creating Text Boxes, Adding Pictures, Layering Objects, Review Questions, Converting Files from other Applications, Copying Data from another Application, Embedding and Linking Objects, Hyperlinks, Managing Links.


Importing Text Files, Using Microsoft Query, Querying Data from the Web, Refreshing Data, Review Questions, Working with Templates, Working with Styles, Review Questions, What-If Analysis, Goal Seek, Data Tables, Scenario Manager, Solver, Review Questions, Working with Macros, Running Macros, Adding Custom Controls, Review Questions, Security Features, Protecting Excel Files, Worksheet Protection, Working with Digital Signatures, Checking Spelling, Using Data Validation, Using Text to Speech, Documentation, Review Questions, Configuring Excel 2002 Options, Customizing the Excel Environment, Working with Workspaces, Sharing Workbooks, Sending Workbooks, Consolidation.


Booking / availability

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