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Instructor-led course

Provided by: University Computing Service

This course is not scheduled to run.

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Events available

Word 2007: Save Time Producing Reports for Support Staff


This is a more advanced word processing course for support staff using Microsoft Word 2007. The course is aimed at those who have sound ability using the package but who want to master useful day to day skills producing reports and long document control.


Participants are expected to have sound computing skills and be comfortable using Word at an intermediate level.

Topics covered
  • Managing reports using
    • Page layout and section breaks
    • Headers and footers
    • Styles and outlining
    • Bookmarks
    • Table of contents
  • Using Captions, cross referencing and indexing (if time)

Presentations, demonstrations and practicals

System requirements

Word 2007 on PWF Windows


There is a £60 fee per delegate for this course. Payment to be made via PO or credit card upon booking. Please contact or telephone 01223 334662.


One half day session

Events available

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