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Instructor-led course

Provided by: University Computing Service

This course is not scheduled to run.

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Events available

Stata (Statistical Package): Basic Part 2


This session follows on from Part 1 and covers useful techniques and tricks. It is strongly recommended for anyone likely to use Stata for any but the very simplest analysis of the very simplest data.


The course assumes that you have previously attended Part 1 or are familiar with the material covered.

Topics covered
  • Tabulating outputs
  • Using the graph generator
  • Running basic analyses
  • Sample investigations

Presentations, demonstrations and practicals.

  • No attempt is made to teach statistical techniques, though simple examples are used to show the principles of Stata use. The self-teach course "Statistics for the Terrified" may be useful for people lackig the necessary statstistical background.
  • Practicals will be run on PCs using Stata for Windows.
  • Both Parts 1 and 2 must be separately registered for.

One morning or afternoon session.


Events available

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