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Wed 13 May 2009
14:15 - 16:15

Venue: Titan Teaching Room 1

Provided by: University Computing Service


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EndNote for Bibliographies: Introduction (self-paced)

Wed 13 May 2009


An introduction to the bibliography package EndNote and its interface with Microsoft Word. EndNote is a program that stores bibliographic references, and notes about those references, in an EndNote Library. EndNote then interfaces with MS Word to help you create a bibliography and bibliographic citations while you type a document. The style (contents and layout) of the citations and bibliography can then be formatted in an Output Style of your choice; this can easily be changed without retyping.


No experience of EndNote is required, but familiarity with basic wordprocessing on a PC or Macintosh will be assumed.


Number of sessions: 1

# Date Time Venue Trainers
1 Wed 13 May 2009   14:15 - 16:15 14:15 - 16:15 Titan Teaching Room 1 Dr J.L. Dawson,  Rosemary Rodd
Topics covered
  • Preparing your own bibliography
  • Short-cuts during typing
  • Foreign accents and italics
  • Output formats
  • Printing
  • Searching
  • Importing references already obtained from other sources
  • Preparation of a document with its references
  • Downloading references from public databases

Self-paced from detailed notes, with advisers available to help if problems are encountered.

  • This course does NOT cover advanced topics such as modifying input and output formats; nor does it cover conversion to EndNote format of a bibliography already prepared in Word. For help with such topics, please email
  • PWF PCs will be used and temporary accounts provided, alternatively attendees may bring their own laptops (providing EndNote is already installed) and can follow the course using their laptops with the Lapwing wireless service. A small amount of setting up will be necessary for each laptop, and a few of the instructions in the course will need to be reinterpreted.
  • This course usually runs at least twice a term. If you are unable to attend, you can get a copy of the workbook by emailing (the course notes mostly refer to using Endnote on the PWF and you may need to adapt some parts if you are following it on a personal machine).

One session of two hours.


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