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PPD IT Skills new Unscheduled Not bookable

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Presentation Skills: An Introduction new Fri 7 Sep 2012   10:35 Finished

Do you dread speaking in public or giving presentations? This course aims to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence in both formal and informal presentation situations eg meetings, training sessions and conferences. It will address both preparation and delivery of presentations and provide an opportunity to deliver a mini presentation.

Presentation Skills for Conferences new Thu 11 Oct 2012   14:00 Finished

Giving a presentation at a conference can be a daunting prospect. This course will increase your confidence and help you develop skills to make your presentation a success. The first part of the course will consider preparation and planning. Experience and ideas will be shared to build guidelines on how to make an effective presentation.

An optional follow-up session will be offered, enabling you to put theory into practice.

Presentation Skills (Online) new Tue 22 Jan 2013   09:00 Finished

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Presentation Skills (Online and Workshop) new Sat 12 Jan 2013   10:00 Finished


Presentation Skills - Practice new Wed 5 Dec 2012   14:15 Finished

This course will give you the opportunity to give a 20 minute presentation whilst being filmed and observed by your peers. Constructive feedback from the whole group will be given and you will have the recorded video sent to you after the session. Come with your presentation already prepared and bring your props and handouts. A laptop, projector, flip chart, white board and pens will be available. (Note: No OHT unless requested in advance).

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This is an introduction to when and how to combine separate programs together to form an application, and when and how to split a single program apart. It will concentrate on principles rather than details, to help attendees make the right decision and proceed in the right direction. It is aimed at users with some programming experience who need to start or join a significant programming project.

Program Design: How Computers Handle Numbers Sun 12 May 2019   09:30 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This could be called "Computer Arithmetic Uncovered". It will describe how computers store and process integers and floating point numbers, and also the exceptions that might arise and what they mean. The intent is to explain how modern computers handle numbers, and how to get reliable answers for a reasonable amount of effort.

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course is aimed at those new to programming, or who have never been formally taught the principles and basic concepts of programming. It provides an introduction to the basic concepts common to most high level languages (including Python, Java, Fortran, C, C++, Visual Basic). The aim of the course is to equip attendees with the background knowledge and confidence necessary to tackle many on-line and printed programming tutorials. It may also help attendees in deciding which programming language is suitable for their programming task.

Knowledge of the concepts presented in this course is a pre-requisite for many of the other courses in the Scientific Computing series of courses (although not for the "Python for Absolute Beginners" course).

Project 2003: 3 volumes (CDs) Self-taught Not bookable

This set of 3 CDs by LearnKey takes you step-by-step through using the functions and features of Microsoft Project 2003 how to plan, manage, and track the advancement of projects.

Project 2007: Scheduling a New Project new Fri 26 Apr 2019   09:30 Finished

This course is not about Project Management, it is learning how to use Microsoft Project 2007 software. A case study is used to introduce many of the more intricate and important aspects associated with using Project 2007, such as task management, resource management, costing, deadlines and milestones. The skills and knowledge that you gain while working through this course will be applicable to virtually any type of project you wish to undertake.

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Publisher 2007: Creating Professional Publications new Wed 1 May 2019   09:30 Finished

Do you want to create more professional publications by having a deeper appreciation of what Publisher 2007 can do for you? Through a series of graded exercises this course focuses on practical work giving you ample opportunity to use your PC skills to produce various publications.

The skills and knowledge covered in this publication are sufficient to confidence in create real-world documents, including letters, memos, faxes, basic flyers, basic newsletters, calendars, envelopes and labels.

Python: Further Topics Thu 30 May 2019   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course will introduce more advanced aspects of the Python language than the "Python for Absolute Beginners" course or "Python for Programmers" courses. The course will cover topics such as file I/O in more detail than either of those two courses. Whilst the course will not cover the use of Python to produce graphical output, some mention will be made of how Python can be used to interface with tools such as gnuplot to produce graphical output of scientific data.

This course does not explicitly cover the object oriented aspects of the Python language.

Python: Introduction for Absolute Beginners Mon 13 May 2019   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course is aimed at those new to programming and provides an introduction to programming using Python, focussing on scientific programming. This course is probably unsuitable for those with significant programming experience. By the end of this course, attendees should be able to write simple Python programs and to understand more complex Python programs written by others.

As this course is part of the Scientific Computing series, the examples chosen are of most relevance to scientific programming.

Python: Introduction for Programmers Wed 22 May 2019   10:00 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This full-day course introduces the Python programming language to programmers who are already familiar with another high level programing language such as C/C++, Fortran, Java, Perl or Visual Basic. The aim of this course is to give such programmers sufficient familiarity with Python that they can attend any of the more advanced Python courses organised by the Computing service and easily follow any of the widely available Python tutorials on the more complex aspects of the language.

This course covers all the material contained in the "Programming: Python for Absolute Beginners" course, but in a more abbreviated fashion suitable for those who already have significant programming experience. This course does NOT cover the more complex aspects of the language (for such topics see the other Computing Service Python courses), nor is there much explicit discussion of the object oriented features of Python.

Python: Operating System Access Wed 5 Jun 2019   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course will introduce methods in Python for accessing the operating system environment (e.g. standard input, standard output, environment variables, etc). The course will cover topics such as command-line parsing in more detail than the "Python Introduction for Absolute Beginners" or "Python Introduction for Programmers".

Python: Regular Expressions Tue 11 Jun 2019   14:15 Finished

This course is part of the Scientific Computing series.

This course explains how to construct and use regular expressions in Python (using the re module). It does not discuss how to construct complex regular expressions, nor does it cover regular expressions themselves in much detail, rather it focuses on how to use regular expressions in Python.

For a detailed discussion of regular expressions see the "Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions" course.

The RDN (Resource Discovery Network) Virtual Training Suite is a JISC national initiative designed to offer free online training in Internet information skills to the higher and further education communities in the UK. It comprises a set of 1-hour tutorials delivered over the Web, each of which offers Internet skills training in a particular academic subject.

The tutorials, which include quizzes and interactive exercises, can be used by individuals as a "teach yourself" tool, or by lecturers, librarians or IT trainers wanting to teach Internet information skills to their students. The tutorials offer a subject-based approach to Internet skills training, enabling the user to tour key Internet resources and improve search skills, as well as need for critical evaluation of information on the Internet, and reflect on practical ways to use the Internet to support learning, teaching and research.

Reading Instructions: A Course for Students new Thu 15 Nov 2012   09:00 Finished

A fools guide to reading instructions for students who struggle with this key skill.

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The Computing Service only runs courses on EndNote, not Reference Manager. However for people wishing to use the latter there are some online resources available.

Referencing new Tue 1 Dec 2015   10:00 Finished

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Relational Database Design Thu 30 May 2019   13:00 Finished

This course gives a simple introduction to organizing your data in a relational database. It aims to explain the arranging of your data. It does not deal with specific relational databases systems such as Access, Oracle or SQL Server, or the technical tools that you would or could use to set up your database. The course aims to provide you with enough information to sit down and design your database, regardless of the database product that you intend to use. Exercises will be done on paper, without using computers.

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